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There are a LOT more photos on the link above. The Toys and Transportation museum sounds like a toy museum. That is what the locals refer to it as. In actuality it was a museum of collections. To see it all, see the photo link above. Basically, it is a collection of collections. One of the best museums I have been to. Ever.

The Name does NOT sound like the kind of place I would like.

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In the parking lot. A pretty good sign that someone who owns this car want to hang out at this museum.

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A 1979 Honda CB650 POLICE Special.

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Stars Wars Toys. Many in the original packing, with the original price tags. Probably ten billion dollars worth of toys just in this case alone.

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Creepy babies.

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Ford Mustang, Police Motorcycle, Model Airplanes, baby buggies, bicycles, toys, gas pumps and Barbie Dolls. Yup, a simple collection of collections.

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A furry Morris Minor, next to a half a dozen other Morris Minors

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And my first Ford Prefect. See my other post for the significance of this.

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And a row of, well, Vehicles.

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Funny, they had the History of Pencils, but no pencils. Weird.

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And a collection of old computers. They did have a Sinclair, but not the ZX80 that I had when I was young.

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But a collection of straight razors, rusty and scary.

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But of course, there was a collection of vacuum cleaners. OK, it was more a PILE of vacuum cleaners, but, same same.

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American and other licence plates.

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You know, I don't think I have ever before seen a car that made a Volkswagon Bug look Huge.

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But aparently, all those TV's you threw away ended up here.

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I am pretty sure they are still using this steam tractor.

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They might even be still using this.

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Got a race car and a, err, car. Shove them under the wing of a military jet.

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It would not be a New Zealand Museum if there were not some vehicles that were used in the movie The Worlds Fastest Indian.

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And by far the largest Bi-Plane I have seen. Russian of course.

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Although the aircraft did not seem special, this canopy just seemed to be over the top in complication.

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But a Nash Metropolitan? I have never even seen one of them in the US

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I have seen plenty of BSA and lots of J.A.P, but never a BSA/J.A.P.

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A BABY Triumph?

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A little scooter made for a wheel chair.

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But.... a ONE wheel motorcycle?

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I have only seen a few single sided front forks ever. This is a perfect example of one.

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A Polish trainer MIG 21, next to......

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..... A bunch of generic cars from Pete's Dragon.

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I guess you could call that a full size toy.

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